Originally published on August 8, 2016

If you would like me to present to your group, please contact me. Recordings of my previous interviews and presentations are available:

  1. Video Interviews

2. Video Presentations

3. Knowledge Management Videos and Workshops

4. Audio Interviews

5. Webinar Presentations

  1. Profiles in Knowledge, Part 2
  2. Profiles in Knowledge, Part 1
  3. The Five Cs of KM, Part 5: Create
  4. The Five Cs of KM, Part 4: Collaborate
  5. The Five Cs of KM, Part 3: Connect
  6. The Five Cs of KM, Part 2: Curate
  7. The Five Cs of KM, Part 1: Capture
  8. KM Conversation: Tapping Into the Power of Knowledge Management Integration
  9. KM Conversation: Achieving Independence: Tips for Knowledge Managers
  10. KM Conversation: The Uses and Benefits of Analytics and Business Intelligence
  11. KM Conversation: Proven Practices for Social Collaboration
  12. KM Conversation: Advanced Discovery Techniques
  13. KM Conversation: 3 Dimensions of 360° Access: Internal and external content and connection to expertise
  14. Stump the KM Guru: Questions and Answers
  15. Communities of Practice Primer and Manifesto
  16. The HP KM Program: Tools and Technology
  17. Selling KM: Reuse Proven Practices — Part 5
  18. Selling KM: Reuse Proven Practices — Part 4
  19. Selling KM: Reuse Proven Practices — Part 3
  20. Selling KM: Reuse Proven Practices — Part 2
  21. Selling KM — Reuse Proven PracticesPart 1
  22. The Seven Competencies of Highly Effective Knowledge Managers
  23. Selling KM — Apply Lessons Learned
  24. Selling KM — Avoid the Top 40 Pitfalls
  25. Selling KM — Use the Keys to Success
  26. Selling KM — Recognize and Reward
  27. Selling KM — Nurture a Knowledge-Sharing Culture
  28. Selling KM — Improve Continuously
  29. Selling KM — Embrace Technology Appropriately
  30. Selling KM — Build a Team and Get Outside Help
  31. Selling KM — Communicating with Stakeholders
  32. Selling KM — Educating Stakeholders
  33. Selling KM — 10 Parts of the Business Case
  34. Selling KM — Lay the Foundation
  35. Selling KM — Define the Essentials
  36. Selling KM — Leveraging Stakeholders to Promote your KM Program
  37. Gamification Accelerates KM Adoption
  38. 5 KM Pitfalls to Avoid

On August 11, 2016, I presented the following webinar:

Why It Matters — Creating and Measuring Successful Online Engagement: Session 1 — Let’s Talk Online Engagement

Does the thought of starting an online community keep you awake at night? Do you spend endless hours cajoling (and we mean stalking) members of your existing virtual community to engage? When called in to a senior management team meeting to share the depth of engagement and return on investment (gulp!) of your online community, do you run screaming for the nearest airport?

If any of the above sound vaguely familiar, never fear — help is near!

Food Security and Nutrition (FSN) Network’s Knowledge Management Task Force will be hosting a 3-part Summer Series that taps into the collective wisdom of sector experts to bring you solutions to each of these challenges.

The kick-off session, “Let’s Talk Online Engagement,” will introduce the audience to the fundamentals of online engagement. What is it? Why is it important? Where do we start? And how do we keep it running?

During this webinar, we will talk about the importance of online engagement for organizations that serve communities; types of platforms and value of each one; and strategies for user registration and retention.

Come join me as I share over 20 years of industry knowledge on online engagement and community building through practical experiences, successes and lessons learned.

Take this opportunity to share your own experiences, and bring up any questions you have about online engagement!

The FSN Network website engages community members through a food security and nutrition capacity-building hub where we share knowledge, resources, and promising practices. As we learn from each other, we identify gaps and develop solutions, thus propelling the field of food security and nutrition programming forward to maximize impact.

The FSN Network is managed by The Technical and Operational Performance Support (TOPS) Program, a USAID/Food For Peace (FFP)-funded program seeking to build the capacity of FFP grantees and other food security and nutrition implementers.

The Technical and Operational Performance Support (TOPS) Program is the USAID/Food for Peace-funded learning mechanism that generates, captures, disseminates, and applies the highest quality information, knowledge, and promising practices in development food assistance programming to ensure that more communities and households benefit from the U.S. Government’s investment in fighting global hunger. Through technical capacity building; a small grants program to fund research, documentation, and innovation; and an in-person and online community of practice, the Food Security and Nutrition (FSN) Network, TOPS empowers food security implementers and the donor community to foster lasting impact for millions of the world’s most vulnerable people.

Led by Save the Children US, TOPS draws on the expertise of consortium members: CORE Group (Knowledge Management), Food for the Hungry (Social and Behavioral Change), Mercy Corps (Agriculture and Natural Resource Management), and TANGO International(Monitoring and Evaluation). Save the Children brings its experience and expertise in Commodity Management, Gender, and Maternal, Infant and Child Nutrition, as well as the management of this 7-year (2010–2017), US$30 million award. For more detailed information about The TOPS Program, see the online presentation.

The Office of Food for Peace (FFP) works to reduce hunger and malnutrition and ensure that all people at all times have access to sufficient food for a healthy and productive life. By monitoring regional food insecurity, FFP can work with field-based partners using various program tools and approaches to save lives, tackle chronic undernutrition and help the most vulnerable break the cycle of poverty and hunger. FFP’s programs bring together relief and development efforts so that humanitarian assistance contributes to the long-term benefits for local populations even as we save lives.

FFP provides emergency food assistance to those affected by conflict and natural disasters and provides development food assistance to address the underlying causes of hunger. FFP’s programs cover a broad array of activities designed to help communities build their resilience so they can prevent or mitigate shocks, make sure they have food during a crisis and provide them the tools to recover and build the foundation for their long-term development. Our goal remains constant: to minimize hunger in the world so that people everywhere can enjoy active and productive lives and ultimately, to ensure that one day no one needs food assistance.

USAID is the lead U.S. Government agency that works to end extreme global poverty and enable resilient, democratic societies to realize their potential.



Stan Garfield

Knowledge Management Author and Speaker, Founder of SIKM Leaders Community, Community Evangelist, Knowledge Manager https://sites.google.com/site/stangarfield/