Next Generation Knowledge Management, Knowledge Management Domain, Assisting Students

Stan Garfield
4 min readSep 11, 2015

28-Jul-06 Archive of Weekly KM Blog by Stan Garfield

KM Books

Next Generation Knowledge Management: Transforming theory into practice — edited by Jerry Ash

Volume 1

For years, thousands of individuals around the world have had access to the combined experiences of Ark Group and AOK (Association of Knowledge Work) in the KM field, through publications, conferences and exhibitions, and discussion forums. This report integrates these efforts into one practical unit.

Next Generation Knowledge Management is a unique, uncompromising examination of the practical considerations that influence the success of knowledge management in a corporate context — from dealing with cultural issues and securing senior-management support, to selecting the most appropriate KM tools and maximizing the return on your investment.

Table of Contents

  1. Chapter 1: Are There Laws of Knowledge Management? — Stephen Denning, Michel Pommier and Lesley Shneier
  2. Chapter 2: New Management for a New Environment — Stephen Denning
  3. Chapter 3: Taking Stock of a Different Asset — Carl Frappaolo
  4. Chapter 4: The Future of Value Creation — Leif Edvinsson
  5. Chapter 5: Architecting Success in the Knowledge Economy — Debra M. Amidon
  6. Chapter 6: Characteristics of Laggards and Leaders — Debra M. Amidon
  7. Chapter 7: Think Big, Start Small, Build Incrementally — Ash Sooknanan
  8. Chapter 8: KM and QM: Fellow Travelers or Strange Bedfellows — Richard Cross
  9. Chapter 9: Struggling with New Management Strategies — David Skyrme
  10. Chapter 10: Soft Assets; Measuring the Immeasurable — Karl-Erik Sveiby
  11. Chapter 11: Turning Ideas into Products and Services — Charles M. Savage
  12. Chapter 12: Removing the Stigma of ‘Not Knowing’ — Charles M. Savage
  13. Chapter 13: Third Generation Knowledge Management — David Snowden
  14. Chapter 14: Communities of Practice Supplant Training — Hubert Saint-Onge with Debra Wallace
  15. Chapter 15: The Trouble with Sharing — Carol Kinsey Goman
  16. Chapter 16: Spoiling the Mushroom Patch — Jerry Ash
  17. Conclusion

Volume 2

Volume 3

KM Links

The Knowledge Management Domain: A Knowledge Management Approach to Knowledge Management — by Steven Wieneke and Karla Phlypo-Price (formerly of General Motors Corporation)

  • PDF
  • Book — The Knowledge Management and Application Domain

In search of the ingredients to sustain a knowledge-based, learning organization, two General Motors Knowledge Management practitioners use knowledge management techniques to define the domain of knowledge management. This paper asserts that the Knowledge Management Domain is made up of at least 8 disciplines comprised of up to 50 specialties or dimensions. Each specialty or dimension has 2 thresholds, one for initiation and another for sustainability.

Between and on either side of the thresholds is a spectrum of metrics which measure the maturity of each specialty/dimension. The Domain and the spectra can be used to appraise the initiation readiness or the sustainability of a knowledge-based, learning organization. Additionally, the Domain and spectra can be used to create tactical and strategic KM initiatives. The authors have defined up to 7 core competencies for each specialty or dimension.

  1. Discipline 1 — Knowledge Arenas
  2. Discipline 2 — Knowledge Capital
  3. Discipline 3 — Knowledge-based Learning Process
  4. Discipline 4 — Enterprise-wide Infrastructure
  5. Discipline 5 — Knowledge Arena Benchmarking
  6. Discipline 6 — Knowledge Arena Content Management
  7. Discipline 7 — Learning Organization
  8. Discipline 8 — Enterprise-wide Knowledge Socialization

KM Questions

Q: I am interested in your approach to assisting students with their research, surveys, and questionnaires. I am sure you get quite a few of these kinds of requests. I want to balance our community spirit against our daily pressures.

A: I consider responding if any of the following applies:

  • The request can easily be answered in a few sentences or by pointing to a published site or document.
  • The request is interesting and answering it will benefit my organization.
  • The requester is willing to do some work for my organization or will provide us with the results of potentially-valuable research.



Stan Garfield

Knowledge Management Author and Speaker, Founder of SIKM Leaders Community, Community Evangelist, Knowledge Manager