N Cs of topic X
Originally posted Nov 16, 2017
The “N Cs of topic X” is a very popular construct. I once defined 5 types of communities — Content-driven, Communicative, Collaborative, Conversational, and Comprehensive. These did not prove to be very useful.
An article I wrote included Personal Digital Brand: The 5 Cs — Content, Channels, Contacts, Communication, and Cadence. Here are some additional C words I have used when writing about leadership, knowledge management, and communities:
- Caring, Courage, Coaching
- Culture, Customization
- Calm, Creative, Curious
- Competence, Commitment, Compassion
- Converse, Correspond
- Consistency, Completeness
- Challenge Convention
- Common Concern
At the 2021 SLA Conference, I presented The Five Cs of KM in Special Libraries: Capture, Curate, Connect, Collaborate, and Create. This became the basis for my fourth book, The Five Cs of KM. I subsequently wrote an article that added a sixth C (Communicate): What to Look for in Knowledge Management Software.
A huge number of “N Cs of Topic X” articles can be found by searching. The concept has been used so often, it’s become a cliché, but there are definitely a lot of words starting with C that are relevant to many important topics.
Jim McGee’s Collection of C Words
Jim McGee tweeted “knowledge words — create, collect, comment, collate, critique, connect, crystallize, convert — what C words are missing?”
He then blogged C-words of knowledge and asked “What would you like to add to the list?”
- Catalog
- Categorize
- Cite
- Classify
- Coalesce
- Codify
- Collaborate
- Collate
- Collect
- Comment
- Communicate
- Conceive
- Connect
- Consult
- Constrain
- Construct
- Convert
- Coordinate
- Craft
- Create
- Critique
- Crystallize
- Community
- Construct
- Conversation
He summarized the answers he received in Fun with constraints, knowledge, and design.
- Calculate
- Calibrate
- Canvas
- Capture
- Catalog
- Categorize
- Censor
- Certify
- Challenge
- Change
- Characterize
- Chart
- Check
- Cite
- Claim
- Classify
- Cluster
- Circulate
- Circumscribe
- Circumvent
- Coalesce
- Coax
- Co-create
- Codify
- Collaborate
- Collate
- Collect
- Collude
- Combine
- Comment
- Communicate
- Compare
- Compile
- Compose
- Compute
- Concatenate
- Conceal
- Conceive
- Conform
- Confide
- Connect
- Connote
- Consider
- Consolidate
- Constrict
- Consult
- Constrain
- Construct
- Contribute
- Converse
- Convert
- Convey
- Coordinate
- Copy
- Count
- Craft
- Cram
- Create
- Critique
- Crystallize
- Cultivate
- Curate
- Customize
- Capital
- Case/Case Study
- Cause
- Channel
- Characteristic
- Chart
- Collage
- Community
- Compendium
- Competence
- Component
- Concept
- Concern
- Constraint
- Construct
- Content
- Context
- Convention
- Conversation
- Culture
- Coherent
- Complete
- Concise
- Conditional
- Consistent
- Contingent
- Contradictory
- Convergent
- Cryptic
- Current
- Cursory
Other Articles using N Cs of Topic X
- Dan Ranta: Collaboration at GE (slide 10) — GE Communities — Context, Collaboration, Constituents, Communication, Content
- John Tropea: Conversations, Connections and Context
- Larry Hawes: The Seven Cs of Social Interaction — Conversations, Continuum, Container, Community, Currency, Credibility, Connectivity
- David Armano: The 4 Cs of Community — Content, Context, Connectivity, Continuity
- Laird Schaub: 7 Cs of Building Community — Communication, Curiosity, Courage, Complexity, Conflict, Civility, Constructiveness
- Geoff Livingston: The Four Cs of Social Engagement — Co-creation, Collaboration, Conversation, Crowdsourcing
- Agnes Molnar: The Five C’s of Enterprise Search — Culture, Content, Challenges, Capabilities, Confines
- Albert DeSimone, Jr. and Walter B. McRae: The Seven Cs of WebService Design- Comprehensiveness, Currentness , Client-Orientation, Clarity over Coolness, Courtesy over Coolness, Compatibility without Compromise, Cross-Linking
- Anne Zelenka: The 7 Cs of software — Collective, Collaboration. Connected, Cyborg, Closed and open at the same time, Composed by a broad population, Choreographed into workflows, Cognizant
- Lisa Zawilinski and Donald Leu: The Cs of Change — Creativity, Critical thinking, Communication, Collaboration, self-Control, Comprehension
- William Arruda: The 10 Cs of Branding — Competent, Credible, Clear, Compelling, Consistent, Constant, Confident, Connected, Committed, Current
- Nedra Weinreich: 15 Cs for successful social marketing — Competent, Credible, Clear, Compelling, Consistent, Constant, Confident, Connected, Committed, Current, Change-oriented, Competitive, Compatible, Caring, Culturally Appropriate
- Mick Cope: The Seven Cs of Coaching — Client, Clarify, Create, Change, Confirm, Continue, Close
- David Skyrme: The 3Cs of Knowledge Sharing — Culture, Co-opetition, Commitment
- Madanmohan Rao: The 8 Cs of KM success — Connectivity, Content, Community, Culture, Capacity, Cooperation, Commerce, Capital
- Dave Friedman: The Six Cs of Social Influence Marketing — Content, Customization, Community, Conversation, Commerce, Commitment
- Gerry McGovern: The 6 Cs of Killer Web Content — Who Cares? Is it Compelling? Is it Clear? Is it Complete? Is it Concise? Is it Correct?
- Tim Kounadis: Sailing the Seven Cs of Successful Corporate Portals — Contributive, Consistent, Comprehensive, Contextual, Collaborative, Customizable, Compelling
- Juliet Rodman: The Seven Cs of Successful Change — Caring, Choice, Creativity, Courage, Comfort, Confidence, Celebration
- Tim Davies: 7 Cs of Social Media for Participation — Context setting, Creative expression, Consultation, Conversation, Collaboration, Campaigning, Change
- Gaurav Mishra: The 4 Cs Social Media Framework — Content, Collaboration, Community, Collective Intelligence
- Michael Brenner: The 4 Cs of Social Media — Customers, Content, Context, Channel
- Nedra Weinreich: The Ten Cs of Social Media — Communicate, Connect, Collaborate/Co-Create, Collect/Categorize, Collective Wisdom, Customization, Conversation, Community — these can all lead to the Big C: CHANGE
- Palin Ningthoujam: 7 Cs of Social Media Marketing — Context, Communicate, Conversation, Content, Create, Collaborate, Contacts
- Suze Bragg: 9 Cs for ensuring your brand’s success — Convenience, Content, Consistency, Customization, Community, Connectivity, Customer Care, Communications, Conviction
- Terence Brake: The Six Cs of Global Collaboration — Cooperation, Convergence, Coordination, Capability, Communication, Cultural Intelligence
- Daniel Robin: Sailing the Seven Cs of Collaborative Business Relationships — Courage, Consideration, Consistency, Clarity, Commitment, Capacity, Competence
- Shiang-Kwei Wang and Seungyeon Han: Six Cs of motivation — Choice, Challenge , Control, Collaboration, Constructing Meaning, Consequences
- James Coakes: The Six Cs of Teamwork — Communication, Cooperation, Collaboration Compromise, Contribution, Commitment
- Chris Widener: The Seven C’s of Success — Caring, Character, Choice, Concentration, Confidence, Consistency, Courage
- Michael McKinney: Lee Iacocca’s Nine Cs of Leadership — Curiosity, Creative, Communicate, Character, Courage, Conviction, Charisma, Competent, Common sense — The biggest C is Crisis
- Paul Dunay: Seth Godin’s 7 elements of leaders — Challenge, Culture, Curiosity, Charisma, Communicate, Connect, Commit
- Dave Pollard: KM 0.0 — Simply Enabling Trusted Context-Rich Conversations Among Communities That Care — Content and Collection; Context and Connection
- Brian Solis: The 5 Cs of Community (image) — Content curation and creation, Conversation, Context, Continuity, Commerce
- Darin Stewart: Gartner’s Guidance for Developing a Knowledge Management Strategy —Four foundational KM activities: Converse, Capture, Curate, Circulate
- Michael Sequeira: The 5C KM Roadmap — Content Strategy, Critical Knowledge, Communication Strategy, Culture, Change Management Strategy
- Bill Ives: Knowledge management as conversations — Creation, Collection, Context, Connection, Conversation, Community, Collaboration
- Paul S. Myers: A normative model of knowledge management effectiveness — Connection, Competencies, Contacts, Communication, Catalysts, Culture:, Capability
- Harri Oinas-Kukkonen: The 7C Model for Organizational Knowledge Creation and Management — Connection, Concurrency, Comprehension, Communication, Conceptualization, Collaboration, Collective intelligence
- Debra Amidon: The 7 Cs of knowledge management — Context, Competence, Culture, Communities, Conversation and Common Language, Communication, Coaching (7 Cs of Knowledge Leadership)