Originally posted 19-Oct-23
Moria Levy is the founder and leader of a KM consulting firm offering knowledge sharing, retention, and development projects. She is a KM researcher, author, speaker, and community leader, with expertise in knowledge retention and the KiSure methodology.
In 1998, Moria established ROM Knowledgeware, a firm specializing in KM with 40 employees. She developed new methodologies addressing intranets, lessons learned, knowledge retention, collaborative knowledge development, and more. These methodologies, based on field work, were later the basis for her research papers and books.
Moria led the first worldwide initiative for a KM standard: the Israeli KM standard SII 25006 in 2012. In 2015 she was chosen by the International Standards Organization (ISO) to lead a team of KM experts in developing a global KM standard. This resulted in ISO 30401 — Knowledge management systems, a comprehensive compass for knowledge management excellence.
Moria led the first initiative worldwide for high school studies specializing in knowledge management as part of information and data sciences studies, a program running in Israel for over a decade. As the Israeli KM Forum chair, she joined KMGN, the KM Global Network, turning her personal vision into the organization’s. She led KMGN in the development of two innovative KM courses, one focused on AI and KM, and the other on advanced KM methodologies. During her 2022 tenure as KMGN chairperson, the organization doubled from 12 to 25 involved countries and networks. Moria leads the “Designing the Future for KM” committee for KMGN and has helped establish Global Knowledge Week.
Bar-Ilan University
- Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Knowledge Management utilization in organizations, 2008–2010
- Master of Science (M.Sc.), Computer Science, 1988–1990
- Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.), Mathematics and Computer Science, 1981–1984
- ROM Global — CEO, 1998 — Present
- Knowledge Management Global Network — Co-leader, 2021 — Present
- ISO (International Organization for Standardization): Chairman, KM experts committee, 2015 — Present
- Israel Knowledge Management Forum — Leader, 2009 — Present
- Israeli Air Force — DBA department manager, 1984–1990
Communities and Conferences
- KMGN (KM Global Network)
- SIKM Leaders Community
- Posts
- Presentations
- June 2023 KM Global Network: Bringing a better future to KM. Together.
- September 2023 The ISO 30401 Implementation Toolbox
- KMWorld 2013 — A103: Knowledge Continuity & Retention — Slides (with Avi Kadem)
21st Century Management: A personal blog
A Holistic Approach to Lessons Learned: How Organizations Can Benefit from Their Own Knowledge
Book Chapters
- Change Management Serving Knowledge Management and Organizational Development: Reflections and Review — Chapter 12 in Global Practices in Knowledge Management for Societal and Organizational Development
- Real Time Knowledge Management: Providing the Knowledge Just-In-Time — Chapter 14 in New Research on Knowledge Management Applications and Lesson Learned
- Management 2.0: Managing Knowledge Workers in the 21st century — Chapter 2 in Implementing New Business Models in For-Profit and Non-Profit Organizations: Technologies and Applications
Other Content
- Site
- Blog: Knowledge Management: Managing in an era of knowledge
- LinkedIn Articles
- LinkedIn Posts
- LinkedIn Documents
- Because You Need to Know Podcast
- Moria Levy — YouTube
- ROM Knowledgeware — YouTube
- KMGN — Knowledge Management Global Network — YouTube
- Sharing tacit knowledge in the new virtual world
- Interviewed by Santhosh Shekar
- Book Reviews
- Handbook of Community Management Book Review
- Generative AI
- A Conversation with Chris Collison
- Journal of Knowledge Management
- Stairways to heaven: Implementing social media in organizations
- Knowledge Retention: minimizing organizational loss
- Web 2.0 implications on Knowledge Management
- Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management
- Journal of Knowledge Management Practice
- Effective Content Organization of a Portal
- A Case Study of Successful Implementation of a Learning Model