Originally posted 15-Dec-22

Stan Garfield
4 min readDec 15, 2022

June Holley is a Network Weaver, researcher, and writer at the Network Weaving Institute. The author of the Network Weaver Handbook, she has developed and implemented strategies for systems shifting, self-organizing networks that catalyze transformation. She is exploring how to network those working on transformation around the world and co-create the systems needed to support collaborative learning to advance the field.

In 1981 June discovered complexity science and became intrigued with the process of transformation. How could communities change in ways that would make them good places for everyone? For the next two decades, she worked with others in Appalachian Ohio to catalyze cascades of network experimentation, observing and documenting the dynamics that enabled many hundreds of people to start and then expand businesses in rural Appalachia. With these newly minted entrepreneurs, she mobilized dozens of area organizations to collaborate, self-organize and create an environment that would help these businesses innovate, expand, and work together to create an effective support system for networked entrepreneurs.

After twenty years as executive director of the Appalachian Center for Economic Networks (ACEnet), she stepped down to devote her energies to helping communities around the globe form system shifting, self-organizing networks by training and supporting network weavers and helping new networks form.

I met June at the Ohio KM Cluster in Cleveland in 2006. She is based in Athens, Ohio.


  • Ohio University — MA, sociology, 1981–1982
  • Temple University — MEd, social science education, 1969–1970



Network Weaver Handbook: A Guide to Transformational Networks

An Introduction to Network Weaving



  1. Part 1
  2. Part 2
  3. Part 3
  4. Part 4


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Figure 4 shows a well-developed core/periphery structure. The blue nodes are the core, while the green nodes reside in the periphery. This network core is very dense — not all cores will have as high a concentration of connections as this one. Too much density can lead to rigidity and overload of activity. Monitoring your network using social network analysis can help you see where your network needs to shift connections to match the current environment.

At this point the network weavers’ initial task are mostly completed. Now, attention turns toward network maintenance and building bridges to other networks. The network weavers can begin to form inter-regional alliances to create new products, services, and markets — or to shape and influence policy that will strengthen the community or region. This happens by connecting network cores to each other utilizing their peripheries. The network weavers maximize the reach of the periphery into new areas, while keeping the core strong. The weavers now focus on multi-core projects of large substance that will have major impact on the community.

The Transformative Power of Networks of Networks

Three Level Networks for Transformation: Networks need to be part of three types of networks.

  1. Local Networks are networks formed in a particular locale, usually a city, town or in rural areas or a multi-county region.
  2. Focused Networks are networks, often national (though they may be state, multi-state or international), that focus on a particular issue, problem or alternative.
  3. Networks with Other Networks: Networks can really benefit when they network with other networks. These types of networks help networks be transformative either through their differences or through their power of aggregation. However, this type of network is most likely to be neglected. These networks can be one of three different kinds:
  • networks of networks with a similar focus formed to create the numbers needed for effective large actions
  • cross sector networks
  • networks that are quite different in purpose but can be constructively provocative for each other and stretch everyone’s world views



Stan Garfield

Knowledge Management Author and Speaker, Founder of SIKM Leaders Community, Community Evangelist, Knowledge Manager https://sites.google.com/site/stangarfield/