KM Resource Survey

Stan Garfield
2 min readFeb 7, 2018

Originally published November 24, 2014

Use this survey to evaluate existing knowledge resources and to determine which ones to add. It allows you to learn which resources are worthwhile, which ones are not, which ones you should learn more about, and which ones should be added. This should be conducted once when starting a KM initiative to help select the KM components to use, and every one to three years thereafter to make adjustments to the ones selected.

Here is an example of a survey you can use.

1. Demographic Questions

  1. What is your e-mail address?
  2. What is your location?
  3. What is your organization, including group and sub-group?
  4. What is your job role?
  5. How many years have you worked in the organization?

2. Multiple Choice Questions: For each of the following knowledge resources, please answer the first question. If the answer is “Yes,” please also answer the second question. Provide a complete list of knowledge resources currently available in your organization. Use the 50 Knowledge Management Components to help identify and categorize the resources.

a. In the last 30 days, have you used this resource?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Don’t Know

b. If you have used the resource in the last 30 days, how useful is it to you in your work?

  • Very useful
  • Moderately useful
  • Not useful
  • Don’t Know

3. Open-ended Questions

  1. Are there other valuable knowledge resources you use frequently? If so, what are they?
  2. When you want to share your knowledge, where do you go first?
  3. When you need to find knowledge to help you innovate, where do you go first?
  4. When you need to find knowledge to reuse, where do you go first?
  5. When you want to collaborate with colleagues, where do you go first?
  6. When you need to find knowledge to help you learn, where do you go first?
  7. Do you have comments about any of the knowledge resources mentioned in the survey?
  8. What knowledge resources would you like to see added or created?
  9. Are there knowledge resources you would like to see improved? If so, how?
  10. What knowledge resources do you need to access but don’t know if or where they exist?

See also: Other KM Surveys



Stan Garfield
Stan Garfield

Written by Stan Garfield

Knowledge Management Author and Speaker, Founder of SIKM Leaders Community, Community Evangelist, Knowledge Manager

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