Originally published on January 29, 2018

Stan Garfield
3 min readSep 12, 2018

This article is the seventh in the Profiles in Knowledge series featuring thought leaders in knowledge management and the third on those who are no longer with us. Jay Cross was born on July 5, 1944 and died on November 6, 2015. He popularized the term “e-learning” and championed the cause of informal learning in business settings.


  1. Wikipedia
  2. Site
  3. Lucidea’s Lens
  4. About.me

My calling is to make people happy. Millions of people. Particularly people in the rat race we call business. They deserve more fulfilling, satisfied lives. My philosophies on the power of informal learning, net-work, and emotional business are fundamentally changing the world of learning in organizations. I was the first person to use the term eLearning on the web.

The pace of time is speeding up. One of your minutes sees more progress in the world than one of your grandmother’s hours. And the pace is accelerating. I ponder such things at the Internet Time Lab in Berkeley. After all, time is all we have.


  1. Site
  2. SlideShare
  3. Twitter
  4. Blog Archives
  5. Litmos Guest Posts
  6. Internet Time Archives
  7. eLearning Articles
  8. What is workflow learning?
  9. KM & learning: separated at birth?

When the job environment changed but slowly, corporate learning involved acquiring the skills and know-how to do the job. Now corporate learning means keeping up with the new things you need to know to do the job. Maybe daily. The traditional barriers separating training, development, knowledge management, performance support, informal learning, mentoring, and knowing the latest news have become obstacles to performance. They are all one thing, for one purpose, and that’s performance.


1. Flickr

2. Informal Learning: The Big Picture

3. The Informal Learning Paradox by Charles Jennings

4. Optimize informal and formal learning methods by Mark Berthelemy


  1. Facebook
  2. Jane Hart
  3. Harold Jarche
  4. Charles Jennings
  5. Clark Quinn
  6. Bob Lee
  7. Michael Allen
  8. Tony Bingham
  9. Avi Singer
  10. George Siemens
  11. David Kelly
  12. Bill Brandon
  13. Mark Berthelemy
  14. Christy Tucker
  15. Stephen Walsh
  16. Laura Overton
  17. OEB Insights
  18. Ravi Pratap Singh
  19. Viplav Baxi
  20. Andie Burjek
  21. Aruna Vayuvegula
  22. Sahana Chattopadhyay
  23. Anuradha M
  24. Dave Ferguson
  25. Curt Bonk

Articles about Jay

  1. Learntrends: Convergence in Learning by Christy Tucker
  2. Jay Cross Crystal Balling with Learnnovators
  3. Jay Cross: Informal Learning Should Be Supported by Jeff Tillett
  4. Jay Cross: informal learning guru by Donald Clark
  5. Informal Learning: An Interview With Jay Cross by Connie Malamed
  6. Informal Learning by Jay Cross by Luis Suarez


  1. Informal Learning: Rediscovering the Natural Pathways That Inspire Innovation and Performance
  2. Real Learning: The missing manual for do it yourself learners
  3. Implementing E-Learning with Lance Dublin
  4. Working Smarter Fieldbook
  5. Aha! Get Smart

Book Chapters

  1. They had People Called Professors…! — in Changing Worlds of Learning: Strengthening Informal Learning in Formal Institutions?
  2. Learning Informally in Your Workscape — in the ASTD Handbook, 2nd Edition
  3. The SUNTan Story: Sun Microsystems — in Implementing E-Learning Solutions


1. Personal Knowledge Management

2. Make Informal Learning Better

3. Remembering Jay Cross — Charles Jennings, Harold Jarche, Clark Quinn, & Jane Hart

4. Conversation with Jane Hart

5. YouTube

6. Vimeo



Stan Garfield
Stan Garfield

Written by Stan Garfield

Knowledge Management Author and Speaker, Founder of SIKM Leaders Community, Community Evangelist, Knowledge Manager https://sites.google.com/site/stangarfield/

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