How do I add formatting to LinkedIn posts?
1 min readMar 21, 2019
Originally answered Aug 28, 2017
LinkedIn posts (short-form) do not allow any formatting. You have to simulate it with text characters, e.g., use hyphens for each line of a bulleted list, or add your own numbers to the start of each line of a numbered list.
LinkedIn articles (long-form) do allow text and image formatting. In the horizontal menu at the top of an article being edited, you can choose:
- Heading 1 (large), Heading 2 (medium), or Normal (small)
- Bold
- Italics
- Underline
- Numbered list
- Bulleted list
- Quoted excerpt
- Link
You can insert the following:
- Image — drop or upload
- Video — YouTube, Vimeo, and more
- Slides — SlideShare, Prezi, and more
- Links — Twitter, Instagram and more
- Snippet — of code
Images can be formatted by size and location on the page:
- Locate image to the left of the text
- Small-size image with no text next to it
- Medium-size image with no text next to it
- Large-size image with no text next to it
- Locate image to the right of the text