Originally published August 15, 2022
This is the 82nd article in the Profiles in Knowledge series featuring thought leaders in knowledge management. Art Murray is the CEO of his own consultancy, a book author, a KMWorld Magazine columnist, a speaker, a workshop leader, and an expert and mentor in knowledge management and the enterprise of the future.
His specialties include transforming traditional organizations into knowledge-sharing enterprises, human deep learning, building and curating e-bodies of knowledge, and organizational knowledge governance. He lives in Boyce, Virginia. I first met Art at KMWorld 2006, and we have seen each other there most every year since then.
In 1993 Art was invited to Russia to speak on the new information economy. The audience’s reaction surprised him. “What good is all of this information if you can’t act on it?” they asked. They were confirming what he’d already concluded years earlier — that knowledge (deciding what action to take) was far more valuable than information alone.
He returned to the U.S. and launched Telart Technologies, now Applied Knowledge Sciences, Inc. AKSciences helps clients around the world capture and grow their corporate brain trust and become knowledge-sharing enterprises.
- The George Washington University
- D.Sc., Engineering Administration, 1989
- M.E.A., Engineering Administration, 1982
- Lehigh University — B.S.E.E., Electrical Engineering, 1975
- CEO, Applied Knowledge Sciences, Inc., 1993 — Present
- International Expert in Knowledge and Innovation Management, Bangkok University, Ph.D. Program in Knowledge Management and Innovation Management, 2011–2017
Building the Enterprise of the Future
The Enterprise of the Future Manifesto
- The world has become extremely complex and fast-changing
- This presents both challenges and opportunities
- Ignorance is the root cause of poverty and suffering
- Knowledge dispels ignorance
- By enabling knowledge to flow freely, people can make better choices and lead more enriched and fulfilled lives
- We need to bring this knowledge to bear if we are to overcome the challenges and seize the opportunities of the 21st century
- We are rapidly becoming a global knowledge economy of eight billion minds
- The social knowledge entrepreneur is a key player in the global knowledge economy
- Traditional business and organizational models impede the flow of knowledge and will not work
- The enterprise of the future must be able to innovate and learn at a rate equal to or greater than the speed of change in the market
- To achieve and sustain this level of performance, organizations must transform themselves from a knowledge-hoarding culture to one that freely discovers and shares knowledge
- This means changing the way we live, work and learn
- Those who refuse to change will be rendered irrelevant.
Building and Curating eBodies of Knowledge (eBoKs)
Knowledge Curation and Governance eBoK
Introduction (free access)
- A (very) brief history of knowledge curation
- What knowledge curation looks like
Knowledge curation basics (free access)
- The Four Hops: why knowledge capture and transfer isn’t easy
- Definitions
Recommended reading (free access)
- Bibliography
Formulating a knowledge curation strategy and plan
- Steps in the planning process
- Getting started: performing an initial knowledge curation assessment
Knowledge capture and transfer
- Identify the knowledge
- Format the knowledge
- Organize the knowledge
- Identify the capture and transfer modalities
- Knowledge systems architecture
- Knowledge systems tools and platforms
- The seven facets of human and machine knowledge governance
- Roles and responsibilities
- Competencies
- Knowledge assurance
- Performance monitoring and adjustment
- Training
- Evangelizing/socializing
- Reward/recognition systems
- Leadership notes from an Arctic dog musher
- How to build an e-body of knowledge (eBoK) like this one
- Knowledge curation do’s and don’ts
Tools & worksheets
- Initial knowledge curation assessment worksheet
- Critical knowledge identification worksheet
- Critical knowledge location worksheet
- Initial knowledge governance assessment worksheet
- Competencies for knowledge curators and content authors worksheet
- Sample training plan worksheet
Applied Knowledge Sciences, Inc.
The four main steps to successful knowledge curation
Step 1: Perform initial assessment
- Know your level of curation maturity
- Identify your starting point
Step 2: Capture and transfer knowledge
- Identify the knowledge to be curated, its sources and recipients (human and automated)
- Identify formats (mental models, schemas)
- Determine how to organize the knowledge (search- and navigation-oriented approaches)
- Identify the primary knowledge capture and transfer modalities
Step 3: Formulate the governance model
- Roles and responsibilities
- Competencies
- Knowledge assurance
- Performance monitoring and adjustment
- Training
- Evangelizing/socializing
- Reward/recognition systems
Step 4: Design the infrastructure
- Knowledge systems architecture
- Tools and platforms
Deep Learning for Humans
Becoming a knowledge explorer in four easy steps
- Step 1. Build a list of topics you want to (or need to) explore
- Step 2. Write a narrative about your most comfortable topic
- Step 3. Write a narrative about an uncomfortable topic of your choice
- Step 4. Express yourself
Enterprise of the Future Blog
Building the Deep Learning Enterprise
KMWorld Magazine
DAOs, NFTs, Web 3.0, and the metaverse: What does it all mean?
We’ve looked at distributed autonomous organizations (DAOs) non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and the like and what they mean as we continue on our path toward the enterprise of the future. Now we have the metaverse to contend with. Welcome to the wild, wonderful world of Web 3.0.
The good news is there will be no shortage of opportunities for us as KMers to play an important role. Here are four, just for starters.
- Investigate successfully launched DAOs by analyzing the governance process, especially for “smart contract” code.
- Investigate how voting is conducted.
- Identify legal issues to help measure and mitigate risk.
- Understand DAOs well enough to determine whether they would be a good match for helping your enterprise achieve its strategic goals.
- Trend #1: The continued acceleration of the five Vs of information: volume, variety, velocity, veracity, and value.
- Trend #2: More serious decision consequences.
- Trend #3: The democratization of knowledge.
- Trend #4: The emergence of the cryptocosm. Coined by author George Gilder, the term cryptocosm encompasses the complete re-architecting of our entire communications infrastructure. This includes the many billions of devices comprising the Internet of Things and the immeasurable number of transactions taking place in the exponentially expanding world of online banking and commerce.
- Trend #5: Human and societal evolution start catching up with technology evolution.
Here are a few fundamental changes in mindset you’ll need to adopt in order to make Curation 2.0 a reality in your organization.
- Mindset change #1: We are all librarians now.
- Mindset change #2: All librarians are knowledge flow facilitators.
- Mindset change #3: Bring curation out of the shadows and into the light.
Big opportunities in small data
Opportunities for KM
- Look for any market niche in which the current one-size-fits-all model might be replaced with something built for “you and only you.”
- Replace the whole notion of databases and analytics with personal ontologies that monitor changes in the state of the user. Note that this can be applied to devices and systems as well. Complex ontologies may not always be necessary. In many circumstances, a simple concept space or topic map will suffice.
- Generate and maintain a set of rules for (a) analyzing the current state of the person, device or system and (b) recommending behavioral changes aimed at advancing toward the goal state.
Breaking the lessons-learned barrier
We consistently find three barriers to capturing and sharing lessons-learned: making the lessons-learned process overly complicated imposing a lengthy validation process persisting in a culture that punishes, rather than learns from, mistakes
Building the Enterprise of the Future means no more secrets
AM: Why do you have that frustrated look on your face?
CEO: I’m frustrated because no matter how hard I try, I can’t get my people to share what they know.
AM: Why is that a problem?
CEO: Because we can’t keep secrets from each other if we’re going to compete in today’s world. Things are too complex and fast changing. If we’re going to survive, we need to start working together, as a unit.
AM: I certainly agree with your assessment. So what’s stopping them? You would think they had a death wish!
CEO: You would think so. Yet, they’ll be the first ones to scream if we have to cut back on bonuses. Or lay people off.
AM: So why do they insist on acting this way?
CEO: Holding onto what they know gives them a sense of power. If they give that up, they think it will make them expendable.
AM: Let me get this straight. If they don’t collaborate and share what they know, they’ll be out of a job. Yet, they resist sharing because they believe knowledge is power, and they don’t want to give it up, out of fear they won’t be valuable anymore.
CEO: That’s right.
AM: Don’t they realize that knowledge has no power, unless it’s used?
CEO: Now you see why I’m so frustrated!
AM: How do we get around this?
CEO: We need to show them some real examples of how collaboration saved the day. Like at the WHO.
AM: The World Health Organization? Sounds like a classic example of a large, bureaucratic, slow-moving institution. Just the opposite of what you would want in a flat world.
CEO: Well, the WHO is organized in a traditional hierarchy: by geography and by area of specialty. In one corner, you can find a world expert on dengue fever. In another corner, a renowned expert on foot-and-mouth disease. Over the years, all of these experts were pretty much able to function on their own. If you had an outbreak of malaria, you’d call in one expert. If you had a rise in infant mortality in a developing country, you’d call in another.
AM: And I’ll bet nobody dares encroach on someone else’s area of expertise.
CEO: That was probably true, back in the old days. But things have changed. You’re right in saying it’s a flat world. A good indicator is bird flu.
AM: How’s that?
CEO: Bird flu is one of many complex, fast-moving threats we’re facing. Because birds migrate, it can pop up just about anywhere in the world and spread just as quickly. It can mutate and jump from animals to humans, who also move freely around the world. Responding to it requires specialists in animal public health, communicable diseases, immunology, pharmacology, communications, transportation and many other disciplines, all working in close collaboration.
AM: So doing business the old way won’t work.
CEO: Correct. And WHO found out that in recent incidents in which dead birds were found, it took too long to collect, package, ship and test specimens to determine if it was the H5N1 virus. So they had to dramatically reduce the response time.
AM: Don’t tell me, they did it by sharing knowledge.
CEO: You got it! Different parts of the organization got together. First they analyzed why it was taking so long. Then they looked at how each step in the process could be done faster, while working to eliminate mistakes. As you might expect, within that large institution, someone knew how to perform each step in the most efficient and effective way. And they knew what pitfalls to avoid. Once those individuals were identified, and their knowledge was captured and shared, they were able to significantly reduce the amount of time required to make an accurate diagnosis.
AM: So the lesson here is, in order to get people to share what they know, they need a shared vision that is greater than any one individual. Something that will have dire consequences if the mission fails.
CEO: I’m afraid that’s it. And in today’s world, we have no shortage of problems with potentially disastrous consequences.
AM: And equally exciting opportunities, I might add.
CEO: Nicely stated.
AM: I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to start putting this into practice. And by the way, thank you for sharing.
KMWorld Conference
- W6: Building a Governance Model for Enterprise Knowledge
- W13: Building & Curating E-Bodies of Knowledge
- C101: Story Thinking: Combining Human & Artificial Intelligence
- W2: Building a Governance Model for Enterprise Knowledge
- W12: Building & Curating E-Bodies of Knowledge
- W7: Building & Curating E-Bodies of Knowledge
- W12: Building a Governance Model for Organizational Knowledge
- A203: Taming the ‘Digital Hairball’: Exponentially Growing Knowledgebases
- W4: Building & Curating E-Bodies of Knowledge
- W11: Building a Governance Model for Organizational Knowledge
- W3: Building a Governance Model for Organizational Knowledge
- W14: Building & Curating E-Bodies of Knowledge
- W3: Enterprise of the Future: Risk/Opportunity Audit
- W14: Building & Curating E-Bodies of Knowledge
- A205: Enterprise of the Future Opportunity/Risk Audit
2016 W21: Taking Knowledge Transfer to the Next Level
2014 W19: Building a Mentoring Program for Knowledge Transfer
- W7: Building an Effective Mentoring Program for Knowledge Transfer
- W13: Sparking Innovation: Creative KM
- W12: Developing a KM Strategy & Implementation Plan
- B203: Learning from Lessons Learned
- C304: Future Focused Formulas for Enterprise KM Success
- Getting Knowledge Sources & Seekers to Share
2009 B301/302: Envisioning the Enterprise of the Future
- W4: Dealing with Change & Building the Enterprise of the Future
- W20: Learnership: Developing Knowledge Worker Skills for the Future
2005 B103: Knowledge Worker Productivity in an Aging Workforce
2003 A102: KM in Higher Education: Case Studies
SIKM Leaders Community
October 2023 call: 10 Formulating a Governance Model for Human and Machine Knowledge
Deep Learning Manual: The Knowledge Explorer’s Guide to Self-Discovery in Education, Work, and Life
Table of Contents
- Manifesto
- Preface
- Introduction
- Getting started
- Expanding your powers of observation
- Writing to learn
- Building your personal knowledge library
- Assessing what you’ve learned
- Assessing how you learn
- Reinforcing positive learning behaviors
- Tapping into the foundational structure of knowledge
- Your roadmap to self-discovery
- Advanced exercises: Expanding your knowledge horizons
- Afterword Appendix: Resources for diving more deeply into deep learning
Building the Enterprise of the Future: Co-creating and Delivering Extraordinary Value in an Eight-Billion-Mind World
Table of Contents
I. Raising the Bar
- Business At the Speed of thought (almost)
- Enterprise and Industry Clockspeed
II. How We Got Here
- A (Very) Brief Economic History of the World
- Money 3.0
III. The Case for Change
- Challenges
- Opportunities
IV. A Framework for Continuous Renewal
- The Enterprise of the Future Defined
- Leading
- Connecting
- Co-Creating and Delivering Extraordinary
- Making Breakthrough Discoveries
V. Applying the Framework
- Success Begins and Ends with Alignment
- Identifying Gaps, Risks and Opportunities
- Looking Deep Beneath the Surface
- Opening the Knowledge
VI. Making Transformation Happen
- Applying Theory of Change
- Managing Risk
- Enough Technology Already, What About Us Humans?
- Core Values as Guideposts in a Turbulent World
- When It Comes to Trust, Less Is More
- Case Example: Stitching the Pieces
- Final Thoughts (at least for now)
Appendix A: Enterprise of the Future Framework
Appendix B: Additional Resources